Author Information
All Papers submitted to ENBENG must:
- Be compliant with the IEEE Publications Service and Products Board Operations Manual and all policies therein:
https://conferences.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/author-ethics/guidelines-and-policies/fundamental-publishing-guidelines-and-principles/ - Be compliant with the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Code of Ethics: https://www.embs.org/ethics
- All authors listed on the paper must be eligible to submit a paper to IEEE conferences.
- Papers should be submitted on the ENBENG portal: https://embs.papercept.net/conferences/scripts/start.pl
- All papers must be written in English.
- The length of the paper should not exceed 4 pages, double column and follow the IEEE Conference Proceedings template available at: https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html.
- All papers must be original unpublished work.
- Each author listed on the paper must be listed in the paper management system
- One author must be designated the corresponding author for the paper.
- Each submission will be reviewed for compliance of paper size, margins, headers, and footers, page numbers, and other size specifications. Papers which are non-compliant may not be included in the proceeding.
Oral presentations:
- Presentations will have a duration of 10 minutes and additional 5 min will be used for Q&A.
- Before the session, the presenter should submit the presentation file to the technical staff present in the room (please inform during registration). Please also alert the session chair for your presence and deliver off the file.
- Standard PC computer with slide controller will be available for the presentation.
Poster presentations:
- Poster presentations will be divided into 3 sessions along the conference day (June 22). Please note that the poster size is A0 format (84 x 119 cm).
- The poster must be delivered at the conference reception desk during the registration process between 8h30 and 9h00 AM.
- Poster presentations will be divided into 3 sessions along the conference day (June 22) during coffee breaks and just before lunch. Please be at the poster during the scheduled session for your poster.
- All posters will be posted for the full day of June 22.
Corresponding Author
- Each paper submitted to ENBENG must have a designated corresponding author assigned.
- The corresponding author acts as the assigned manager of the paper and should have the permission of all authors to speak collectively on behalf of them.
- The corresponding author is the author responsible for completing all tasks and expectations required for the paper during the paper submission process.
- The corresponding author is responsible for all activities related to the paper submission. This includes but is not limited to:
- The initial submission of a compliant manuscript on or before the submission deadline.
- Ensure adherence to the deadlines during the paper submission process.
- Making timely updates or changes to the paper that may be requested or required during the submission process.
- Acting as the representative of all authors associated with the paper as the lead communicator and representative for the paper.
- Ensuring any and all fees related to the submission, such as conference registration fee and submission fees, are paid to support final paper upload in accordance with conference deadlines.
- Ensuring the paper is presented at the conference during the assigned presentation time scheduled by the organizing committee.
Paper Submission
Timely Submission
- All authors who wish to have a paper considered for inclusion in the conference program must submit and complete the paper submission process before the submission deadline for the respective submission type. Late submissions will not be accommodated.
Submission Quality
- Authors are encouraged to complete a thorough review of the initial submission manuscript. The paper which is submitted will be the paper which is reviewed by the reviewing body. Once the initial submission deadline closes any requests to edit the initial submission cannot be accommodated.
- Reviews are assigned by theme and keywords included in the paper data during the initial paper submission process. Authors are encouraged to carefully select keywords and themes to ensure the paper is reviewed by peers in your subject area.
Review Process
- Each paper will be reviewed by reviewers assigned by the ENBENG Editorial Board team in connection with the conference organizing committee.
- Reviews are traditional single blind peer reviews where the identity of the reviewer is not visible to the author(s).
- The qualitative and quantitative feedback from the reviews and other factors of consideration for the conference will be gathered to determine whether the papers should be either accepted or rejected to the conference.
Acceptance or Rejection
- On the scheduled and communicated notification date the conference will notify the corresponding author of the acceptance or rejection of the paper along with any comments and/or suggested feedback received from reviewers.
- Accepted papers will be advised of next steps and will be required to move forward with additional requirements and deadlines related to the conference submission process.
- Transfer of Copyright to IEEE
- In accordance with IEEE Policy and the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual, all papers must transfer copyright of the paper to IEEE before publication. You may visit the IEEE Author center for more details on the copyright process and requirement https://conferences.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/get-published/about-transferring-copyright-to-ieee/).
- Registration to the Conference
- The corresponding author of the paper is expected to register to attend the conference and present the work.
- At least one author of the paper must pay the full registration fee in support of the paper, and attend the conference.
- Full registration rates are defined as rates which offer all full access to the conference for the duration of the conference.
- Student Full rates can support a full paper
Paper Presentation
- Each paper that is accepted to the conference and meets the final submission and registration requirements will be required to present their work at the conference as scheduled by the organizing committee. Presentations can be oral or Poster presentations, and all will have an allocated time slot.
- Decisions on the Presentation type assigned to a paper are determined by the conference organizing and technical committees.
- Given the size of the conference and the number of papers presented during the conference, the committee is unable to accommodate special requests for presentation types and/or scheduling accommodations.
- Authors are encouraged to plan attendance for the full conference scheduled as all presentation dates are subject to change with or without notice.
Paper Publication & Indexing
- Papers submitted which are accepted, complete all final submission steps, are presented at the conference as scheduled, and meet the IEEE Standards for Publication will be deemed eligible for publication and indexing in IEEE Xplore as a paper include in the conference proceedings.
- Papers which are added to the final conference program but are not presented as scheduled (no-shows) will not be eligible for publication and indexing in IEEE Xplore as a paper include in the conference proceedings.
- The best oral presentation and poster presentation papers will have dedicated prizes.
Best Practices:
Authors are encouraged to:
- Ensure your email address in the author profile are up to date.
- Check spam and junk folders for messages related to your submitted work.
- Login as often as possible to your author workspace for any changes in status of notifications.