
GMEPE/PAHCE – Global Medical Engineering Physics Exchanges & Pan American Health Care Exchanges – is an independent forum for emerging medical technologies and innovations in procedures and techniques, equipment and appliances, which brings health care industries together with medical personnel, engineering and technical professionals, and those engaged in medical information technologies in the academia, hospital and clinical settings, and related sectors. This conference happens in ISEP, Porto on March 19-24. It is a paper submission conference.


The conference included visits to INESC-TEC (C-BER Bioimaging Lab) and CINTESIS; a workshop given by FEUP students on image analysis topics; and keynote speakers such as Catarina Carvalho (FEUP), Maria Graça Ruano (University of Algarve), Vesna Zeljkovic (Lincoln University) and Ana Madureira (ISEP).

