We have promoted 11 events in 2018, but would like to at least double this in 2019. If you are organizing any event, or thinking of organizing any event in this area, please contact us. We can help you make it stronger, larger and more visible. And you help us be more visible too, which is a key factor to the more ambitious goals we have in store.

Do not hesitate to contact us!
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Event Name | Date | Logo | Venue | Organization | Informations |
6th ENBENG | February 22-23 |  | ISEL, Lisbon | ISEL, ESTeSL, IEEE EMBS Portugal Chapter |  |
Webinar Bitalino | March 2 |  | Online | ANEEB |  |
Semana da Bioengenharia | March 18 |  | IST, Lisbon | IST |  |
Workshop Bitalino | April 4 |  | CABB, Coimbra | jeknowledge |  |
X Symposium on Bioengineering | April 6-7 |  | FEUP, Porto | NEB-FEUP/ICBAS |  |
3rd Workshop on Neuroengineering | April 8-9 |  | I3S, Porto | I3S |  |
II IMMTHB | May 3 |  | ESS, Porto | ESS |  |
Seminar IPS | May 16 |  | IPS, Setúbal | IPS |  |
PT-MATHS-IN | June 7 |  | U. Coimbra, Coimbra | PT-MATHS-IN |  |
ICEA 2019 | July 8-11 |  | Azores | IKnowD |  |
MEDICON 2019 | September 26-29 |  | U. Coimbra, Coimbra | U. Coimbra |  |
Webinar Biomedical Sensors | September 28 |  | Online | ANEEB |  |
Biomedical Engineering Summit | October 11-12 |  | Ordem dos Engenheiros, Lisboa | ANEEB |  |
RECPAD 2019 | October 31 |  | FCUP, Porto | FCUP, INESC TEC, IEEE EMBS Portugal Chapter |  |
4th IST-MedNetworking | December 3 |  | IST, Lisboa | EMBS IST |  |
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