The “1º Encontro Nacional de Bioengenharia” was organized by the Instituto Superior Técnico, IEEE EMBS Chapter Portugal and Universidade Católica Portuguesa. It took place between the 1st and 4th of March 2011 at Instituto Superior Técnico, Tagus Park, Oeiras. During this meeting 77 communications are presented, of which 58 are oral communications, 17 are posters and 2 are keynote lectures by distinguished medical researchers. The main organizers were Carlos Fortunato (IST), Joaquim Cabral (IST) and Raul Martins (IST).

The “2º Encontro Nacional de Bioengenharia” was held from February 23 to 25, 2012, in the Auditorium of the Rectory of the University of Coimbra. The event was organized by Miguel Morgado (UC), Rui Bernardes (UC), the IEEE EMBS Chapter Portugal and the Núcleo de Estudantes do Departamente de Física. The main guest was Dr. Karol Mikula, who presented advanced segmentation techniques for the embryonic study of zebrafish. 62 scientific papers were published.

The University of Minho hosted from February 20 to 22, 2013, the “3º Encontro Nacional de Bioengenharia“, which had 115 interventions and a few hundred participants. 61 papers were published. The event was held in the auditorium B1 of the campus of Gualtar, in Braga. It is promoted by University of Minho, the IEEE EMBS Chapter Portugal and the IEEE WIE Portugal. The chair of the organizing committee was Professora Graça Minas. The organizing committee was completed by Filomena Soares, Cristina Santos, Celina Leão, Carlos Silva, José Machado, Susana Catarino, Sandra Costa and Carla Barros, from University of Minho. The initiative has the partnership of the Universities of Porto, Coimbra, Católica, Lisbon and Instituto Superior Técnico. The main guests were relevant companies in the field of bioengineering (Dr. Campos Costa laboratory, Biotecnol, Orthos XXI, Divmac Health Solutions, Biomode, INL, CeNTI), Hans-Georg Braun (Dresden Technical University), Guillaume Morel (University Pierre Marie Curie), Pedro Silva Cunha (Hospital of Santa Marta / Lisboa), Isabel Rocha and António de Almeida (University of Lisbon), Miguel Castelo-Branco (University of Coimbra) and Nuno Sousa (University of Minho).

The 2015 IEEE 4th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering (ENBENG) was held in the city of Porto between the 26th and the 28th of February of 2015. The ENBENG was be held in “Atmosfera m”. The organizing committee was constitued by Renato Natal Jorge (FEUP), Jorge Belinha (INEGI), Pedro Martins (INEGI), Marco Parente (FEUP), Adelino Moreira (FMUP) and João Tavares (FEUP). The institutional partners were the University of Porto, the University of Lisbon, the University of Coimbra and the University of Minho. ENBENG 2015 had 107 works submitted, from which 52 were accepted for oral presentations distributed by 10 sessions, and 31 as posters. The submissions involved authors from several Portuguese Institutions, which showed the importance of the Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering in Portugal. Additionally, 9 submissions were from foreign countries.



The IEEE 5th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering (ENBENG) was held in the Faculty of Medicine – University of Coimbra, Pólo das Ciências da Saúde, Subunidade 3, Coimbra, between 16th and 18th, February of 2017. ENBENG’2017 had over 110 works submitted, from which 41 were accepted for oral presentations distributed by 10 sessions, and 59 as posters, 9 of which correspond to concluded M.Sc. Thesis. In addition to submissions from several portuguese institutions, submissions were made from foreign countries including Italy, France, Brasil and the USA. The organizing committee was constitued by Miguel Morgado (University of Coimbra), Rui Bernardes (University of Coimbra), Miguel Amador (Startup Braga) and Pedro Afonso (Strathclyde Business School). The institutional partners were the University of Porto (FEUP), the University of Lisbon (FMUL), the University of Coimbra, the University of Minho and the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa.